UW 001: Building Wealth Is More Than Just Money

About This Episode

Creating the wealth every business owner is looking for is more than just making a lot of money. Money is only one component of building wealth.

In this episode, Nicholas defines what wealth really is and looks at what must take place in order to truly build the lifestyle you deserve. Overnight successes are an anomaly but building true wealth is available to anyone.

Episode Transcript

Hello everybody. Welcome to the Unlimited Wealth podcast. My name is Nicholas Jensen. Thank you for joining me. This is the inaugural episode of Unlimited Wealth and the kickoff of many, many podcasts to come. 

So to lay the foundation here, let’s talk about, or let’s define what is wealth. Whenever you hear the word wealth or whenever we think about wealth, our brain immediately goes to money. And money is definitely a component of wealth, but it’s not wealth in its entirety. So what wealth is to me and the way that I define it is, is there’s several different components. One is health, another one is relationships, another one is business and then finally, finances. So those are the main components built inside wealth in which we’re going to talk about.

And so this idea of having unlimited wealth is this idea of creating the lifestyle that you deserve, creating the lifestyle that you want. We all have limitless potential depending upon your belief system and what you think is possible. Me personally. I think we’re unlimited in our capacity. I think the only thing that holds us back is the thoughts that we think and the roadblocks that we put in our way. So this podcast is specifically built around helping entrepreneurs and business owners collapse timeframes by learning from other business owners and entrepreneurs or other individuals that have had enormous amounts of success in their life. To build upon the strategies and the things that others are doing that are working in order to implement those into our lives to help our lives become a little bit better. 

So my belief system is I absolutely believe that we can do anything we want to do. There’ve been people in this world that have proven that over and over and over again. I think what holds us back is our own personal belief system. The things that we think about in our head, the roadblocks that we put in our way. And so this is really designed to see what other individuals are doing, especially wealthy individuals. When I talk about wealthy individuals, people that have had massive amounts of success, particularly financially and then looking at, how do they govern the rest of their lives? What else are they doing in their life to help them get to that level? So that’s particularly what this podcast is about. So if you’re a business owner, you’re successful, you’re looking to get to the next level, or you want to know how to improve other areas of your life, his podcast is for you.

We’re going to be talking to people that have had rags to riches stories. We’re going to be talking to people that have had very successful businesses. We’re going to talk to them about how they did it, what obstacles they overcame, what do they see the future being. For me, in particular, I own a couple businesses. My main business is an investment advisory firm. I’m a little bit different than most financial advisors that you may see out there. I consider myself a wealth strategist. I actually do not believe in a lot of the things that Wall Street is pitching. I do not believe in the traditional financial planning framework that everybody’s buying into when it comes to, you know, 401ks and IRAs and the Stock Market and things like that.

I really believe in taking control of your money. I believe in doing things differently and I believe in taking on investment strategies that are outside of the norm and outside of the big banks and big financial institutions and things like that. Because when you look at it from a historical standpoint and you really look at wealthy individuals and wealthy families in particular on what they’ve done from a financial perspective, a lot of it is completely different than what society is being pitched over the news and TV and marketing and things of that nature. So that’s, that’s my main business. 

But this podcast is really focused on what we can do in all areas of our lives to help us create this wealthy lifestyle in which we can do what we want, when we want, with whomever we want. And there are very, very few instances in which that happens overnight. Oftentimes we’re an instantaneous society in which we want it right now. You can jump on the internet, you can go to Amazon and you can buy something. It’s at your doorstep tomorrow at the very latest, two or three days from now. Right? And so that’s the type of society that we live in and that’s what our brains are programmed to think is normal. Well, when it comes to building a successful lifestyle that isn’t normal, it takes thought, it takes process, it takes strategy, it takes doing the little things that are boring as crap on a day to day basis to get this big longterm compound effect. So those are the main things we’re going to be talking about on this podcast. We’re going to be focused on health, we’re going to be focused on business, particular finances. Cause that’s my background and that’s what I do on a day to day basis.

And we’re going to be talking about relationships. Honestly, something that I struggle with a little bit as far as being really good at building relationships. So we’re going to be talking about, you know, how do you do that and what are the best practices and, and how do you maintain those long term relationships and how do you leverage those relationships where it’s a win, win, win for everybody. When you’re an introvert like I am, it’s been more difficult for me to build those types of relationships. It’s not because it’s a difficult practice, it’s just because I’m an introvert. And oftentimes I’d rather just hang out by myself and do my own thing and, and not necessarily be, the life of the party and that’s okay. But we’re going to be talking about those things and how you leverage those things to help you build the type of lifestyle that you want to build.

So a little bit about my background. So you may be asking yourself, well, who are you, Nicholas? Why should I listen to you? And all of those questions. Let me give you a little bit of my background. I am a farm boy that was raised in Idaho on my grandpa’s farm. I grew up wanting to be a World Champion Bull Rider. I ended up going to college getting a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Which on a side note, I believe that the education system now is broken. I believe that colleges are a racket in the sense of if you’re wanting to go to college to build a business, I think you’re wasting your time. You’d be better off to just build your business and learn as you go and maybe take some finance courses at night or things like that.

So I believe college is a racket. I’m not a huge proponent of college, but I am a huge proponent of education. I’m a big proponent of, especially self-education. I absolutely believe that those individuals who educate themselves are going to get ahead in life more so than those individuals who refuse to educate themselves. So I’m a huge proponent of education. I just don’t believe in traditional education, colleges as a whole. I think it’s a racket. Now, because I know I’m going to have some haters out there and some people that are going to blow my email up. I just want to clarify. If you know that, Hey, I’m going to go and be a doctor, or I’m going to go be a lawyer, or I’m going to go be an accountant, something in which professional education is required to enter that industry, then it makes sense.

Where it doesn’t make sense is if you’re not really going to be anything or in any type of profession. You’re just going to college because that’s what you do. Dude, I think you’re wasting your time. And I really think from a business perspective, it’s a waste of time. I think businesses and corporations look at advanced degrees, MBAs and things like that to help move people up the corporate ladder. But I’ve been in the corporate world and I’m not a huge proponent of trying to climb the corporate ladder. I’m a bigger proponent of digging in, building your own business, and doing your own thing, trying to drive your own success. And I think as a whole you’ll be much happier. At least I am. I spent like 10 years in the corporate world. Then I broke off, started my own business, tons, and tons of struggles. Tons and tons and tons of failures. But I’m happier and I feel like I’ve learned a ton more than I ever learned trying to please management that was above me. So it’s kind of a rant on education. 

And I forgot where I was going with that. Oh, okay. So, my background, so I spent about 10 years in the corporate world, broke off and started to do my own thing. Most of my professional education and most of my work education has been in the finance industry, particularly. The bulk of that was on the Wall Street side of finance. And the reason that I’m so anti Wall Street now is because being in that industry, I looked at what people were actually getting for what was being sold to them was two completely different things. And so being able to kind of see that from the inside and then step back and see, well, if people aren’t having the success that they think they’re going to have by following these traditional or these typical financial planning scenarios, what works? What are the wealthy individuals doing? 

So I started to look at individuals that were super, super-wealthy, at least in my eyes. Were super successful, had really good businesses, making a lot of money, had great family lives, and had a great lifestyle. And I started asking myself, well, what are they doing? And the times that I was able to ask them questions, it turned out that they were doing things that were completely different than what we hear about on TV and in the media and things like that. And so I started digging a little bit more and read books on wealthy individuals and wealthy families and things like that. And it just became apparent that they were doing things completely different from a financial perspective. And oftentimes they do things really well from a relationship and a health and a family perspective.

Now you’re always gonna have the outliers. You’re always going to have people that have completely muffed it up and just got lucky. I get that. That’s not what this is about. This is about strategies that you can actually implement into your lives today or tomorrow to help you get to where you want to be. 

So super excited about having this podcast. That’s why you’re going to want to stay with us. We’re going to talk to a lot of cool people. We’re going to talk to a lot of successful people, or we’re going to learn a lot of stuff together. I’ve got some knowledge in my background, but I’m the first to admit I don’t know everything. But these are things that I’m super interested in and super interested in learning more about and really connecting with the right individuals that can help us all get to the next level. So again, thank you. Looking forward to talking to you soon. Have a great day.